Materia Medica of the Nosodes
B. Jain
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42 remedies (nosodes, sarcodes and miscellaneous ones like X-ray and South Pole of the Magnet) in great detail. Most extensive work on the subject.
This book covers 42 remedies showing the provings for each of them, the people involved in the provings, the method of preparation of the remedies etc. Some examples of the remedies included are: - adrenalin, anthracinum, bacillinum, cholesterinum, diphtherinum, electricity, lac vaccinum, magnet, malandrinum, medorrhinum, pyrogen, sarcode, syphilinum, thyroidin and X-Ray.
ISBN | 9788131902868 |
Author | John Henry Allen |
Type | Hardback |
Language | English |
Publication date | 1998-01-01 |
Pages | 583 |
Publisher | B. Jain |