Forever Yin

Winter Press
Author(s) Maria Jevtic
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As a final instalment, after From Cave to Computer and The Poisoned Well, and forming the last part of a trilogy, this book takes us on a journey into the mind. Considering the human mind as the pinnacle of natural evolution, we have long been intrigued by not only its existence per se but also by its ability to shape a person’s life for better and worse. In what way our mind is involved in producing chronic disease and which options are available to us to reverse the process are the main questions this book attempts to answer.

Sometimes it takes a completely fresh look and a daringly novel approach relatively unrestricted by convention and prejudice in order to find those answers many of us might be waiting for. One thing is certain, in the question of aetiology of chronic disease, after unravelling all the biological, nutritional and environmental factors that make us sick, we arrive where the buck stops: in the human mind. It is here were natural evolution installed the most marvellous playground – a virtual space which we can use to create our own future, in sickness or in health.

There is much to be found here, much wonder and magic, and the most liberating insight is perhaps the most trivial of all: the only thing that can ever hold us back is a lack of imagination. The human mind is a creative instrument of marvellous dimensions.

More Information
SubtitleHow the human mind creates, maintains or transcends chronic disease
AuthorMaria Jevtic
PublisherWinter Press